Kıyıköy Aya Nikola Monastery is located on the southern slope of Kıyıköy town, at Pabuçdere road and it is 700 meters far from the town.



The monastery of St. Nicholas is one of the most important and interesting architectural buildings of the region. It was cut into the large rock mass in the IV. Century. The monastery was built in a prosperous time, under the sovereignty of the Byzantine Emperor Justinan (527 AD - 565 AD). It is one of the best examples of rock monasteries of the Byzantine period.


The area is under preservation.

Area Descriptions

There is a church on the ground floor, and much below that a holy spring, and at the top rooms belonging to monks. There are also holes in steps created by carving. In the north, the holy spring of orthodox Greeks is reached going down the stairs. There is a second entrance in the east of the church. The front of the rock galleries was completed with a wooden part by Greeks in the 19th century. It is a very attractive point for both domestic and international tourists.

Related routes

Project: Green corridors - promotion of natural, cultural and historical heritage in the region of Burgas and Kirklareli. Grant Contract №РД-02-29-173/01.07.2011.

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