It is located at the entrance of the Erenler village in Kırklareli-Pınarhisar district. It is 4 Km away from the east side of Pınarhisar.



Ahmet Baba was one of the appointed persons by Sultan Murat Hüdavendigar for the conquest of Pınarhisar during the transitions of Ottomans to the Rumelia. During the fights, Ahmet Baba had dead as a martry after a hard fight spending 1001 arrows for killing him. This tomb had been constructed for him  and for his brave fights with the order of Ottoman Ruler.


“The Foundations Managing Authority” “Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü” is responsinle for the preservation of the area.

Area Descriptions

His mausoleum was built in Erenler village in the second half of 14th century. The mausoleum is a building which has 8 corners, lancet arches on all fronts and seven windows like doors. The walls are thick and covered shipshape-cut sandstone. The dome is on the eight-angled pulley and lead sheathing.

Related routes

Project: Green corridors - promotion of natural, cultural and historical heritage in the region of Burgas and Kirklareli. Grant Contract №РД-02-29-173/01.07.2011.

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