83 km southeast of Burgas and 17 km southwest of the town of Tsarevo within the Nature Park "Strandzha".



Old settlement, which arose in the middle of the 1st millennium BC, evidence of which has been discovered during archaeological excavations of a Thracian sanctuary dedicated to the Thracian Horseman in the area Shumako. 4 km north of the village an important fortress was built in the 5th - 6th century to protect the road and settlement during the Middle Ages.
In the village of Bulgari can be found the best preserved and still performed on 3rd of June ancient custom of "dancing on smouldering embers" Nestinarstvo, also known as the church holiday "St.St.Constantine and Helen". The Nestinars (fire dancers) from the village of Bulgari were pronounced UNESCO's living human heritage in 2010
In the village have been preserved and restored the church of "St.St.Constantine and Helen", the so called stolnina /Konak/ where are kept the sacred drums and icons of St. Constantine and Helen and the nestinar-chapels with the holy spring "St. Kostadin and Elena"/ 1 km west /, " St. Elijah "/ 1.5 km east/, Virgin Mary / 3 km north /.


Condition: existing infrastructure in the village center, where the custom Nestinari is performed, information center, the village church, konak and chapels have been restored.

Area Descriptions

Public access: from the second class asphalt road: Tsarevo - Malko Tarnovo.

Related routes

Project: Green corridors - promotion of natural, cultural and historical heritage in the region of Burgas and Kirklareli. Grant Contract №РД-02-29-173/01.07.2011.

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