It is located on the road from Burgas residential area Meden Rudnik, towards the village of Tvarditza. 300 meters after the wall of the dam there starts a dirt road which leads to the hill.

It is accessible by private car (it is appropriate to stop at the beginning of the road and take a short 15-minute walk) or by bus to Tvarditsa and from there on foot (30 min).

42°25’27.18” N, 27°27’21.66” E, 88 m above sea level, Keleman area – Lale Bair.



This is a great place overlooking Burgas and the complex of wetlands Mandra-Poda (Ramsar site of national and international importance). It offers a beautiful view and is suitable for family recreation. The territory itself does not have the status of a protected area, but such status have the areas which can be observed from Lale Bair – Poda Protected Area, Uzungeren Protected Area , Mandra – Poda Protected Area and the more distant Vaya Lake, which is also a protected zone, and its western part which is a protected area.

Area Descriptions

It offers a magnificent view of Poda, Mandra, the Black Sea, Bourgas and Kraimorie.

In the near future, as part of the project "Life for Burgas Lakes" of the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, a picnic zone will be built and information boards and waste bins will be installed. The place is suitable for short walks from the end of the asphalt road to the top of the hill. There is enough space for playing games in the open and for picnics. As of this season, we hope that it will become an attractive place for visits by the citizens of Burgas (so far it has only been visited by couples – hence its name, and by hunters).

Project: Green corridors - promotion of natural, cultural and historical heritage in the region of Burgas and Kirklareli. Grant Contract №РД-02-29-173/01.07.2011.

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